Thursday, February 18, 2010

A simple photomontage

A photo taken out of one of the windows in Gloria's house was the basis for this photomontage.

GB Bathroom 1

GBBathroom 2
I decided to use the cat's red ball for this experiment. I've used the ball for many of my photomontages.

GB Bathroom 3
I try several different positions before deciding on this composition.

GB Bathroom 4
I want the smaller ball to appear to be outside the window so I take my original photo and clear the window area that I will place over the ball.

GBBathroom 5
I use the Polygonal Lasso Tool in photoshop to outline the area that is needed and place it over the area where the ball is located.

GB Bathroom 6
Photomontages are fun to experiment with and are a great way to learn how to use the various tools available in the Photoshop program.

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