Saturday, September 26, 2009


This is the eighth in my new series of acrylic paintings based on studies done on the computer. Here I'm continuing working on this painting that I started in the previous post. At this point I am adding the yellow color which I have toned down considerably from my original sketch that's taped alongside my painting.

I changed the grey tone at the top of the painting and added the two lighter rectangular shapes in the lower section.

After a few hours of changing color tones and adding more shapes the painting is finished and ready to drop off at the Craig Smith Gallery in Harbert, Michigan. If you are ever in the area, drop by to see Craig's gallery, it's a great place with 4000 square feet of space with lots of great art. Chicagoans often visit the gallery and also come to Craig's frequent parties, he's located only 78 miles from the Windy City. Many Chicago residents have second homes in Harbor Country and spend weekends here. Lots of good dining is also available in this particular area.

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