Friday, June 12, 2009

Cat posters etc

I have three cats, Jpeg, Tiff and Laura. They are great company and are also very entertaining. Here are some cat posters that I did featuring Jpeg.




Jpeg and Tiff are usually at my side, or more correctly, in front of me when I am trying to work on the computer. They find the moving arrow on the screen very interesting. I should write a book "Working On The Computer With Cats".

Jpeg loves sinks. That's Laura next to her. They all like to drink water from the faucet so I keep it dripping a little bit. Jpeg even likes to take a shower.

My home has beams and they all love lounging or walking on them. I'll dig up a few photos of Laura and Tiff and show them on another post. Gloria has two cats, Schnikelfritz and Blackjack, we are gradually trying to merge them, a difficult task.
Those are a couple of my digital abstract figure studies hanging on the wall.

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